Professional Geologist Oversight
Does your company do Environmental work for the State of Pennsylvania, but does not have an ASBOG licensed Professional Geologist (P.G.) on staff? Our Pennsylvania Licensed Professional Geologists specialize in providing technical oversight for subsurface investigations in a timely and cost efficient manner. We work in collaboration with your staff in order to ensure that the needs of both you and your client are met.
Overburden and Rock Quality Analyses
Obtaining information about the thickness, character, and quality of unconsolidated overburden and/or underlying bedrock can be critical to the success of projects related to construction, development or mining. The geologists we utilize for the analysis of overburden and rock quality are skilled in the concepts of sample description and geologic logging. We can therefore provide our clients with a wealth of subsurface information in a prompt and cost-effective manner.
2009 Environmental Geo-Services